Boston Massachusetts News

Christians: What Would Jesus Do in This Situation?

Question by blue moon: Christians: What would Jesus do in this situation?
Basically my best friend is a drug addict and hes in jail and is still using drugs in there as well which I just found out. Should I tell his family hes doing drugs in jail because they keep giving him so much money and hes using it for drugs, I know this. Also, would Jesus still be his friend and stand by him & help him to get clean?
Or would Jesus cut ties with him?

Please give scripture to back your answer.

Best answer:

What Are Your Experiences With Depot Lupron?

Question by ScTwin1: What are your experiences with depot lupron?
I have had horrible side effects from the Depot Lupron shot (3-months doasage), now I am not talking about depot provera, this is a stronger shot to treat endometriosis. It has helped with the pain and lessened the growths, but I have bad hot flashes, weight gain, dryness, the list goes on. Anyone have better experience with it? Can anyone suggest an alternative treatment?? BCPs don’t work, i tried them already.

Best answer:

Answer by A Healthier You
Stay FAR away from Lupron!!!!!

Alcohol Rehab?

Question by lastavailidtome: Alcohol Rehab?
What does it mean to “enter alcohol rehab”? What is done, how long, and why can’t it be done at home? Thanks all.

Best answer:

Answer by cowboydoc
This is something that has to be done by the indivigual and the family. If the person is forced to, then it isn’t going to work. That person has to realize thier going to lose everything if they don’t go for treatment.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



I Need to Find Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. How?

Question by breana tb: I need to find drug rehabilitation centers in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. How?
So many people are getting themselves addicted to drugs nowadays, and two of my friends are no exceptions. I figured maybe if I could get someone from a drug rehab to talk to them, maybe then they’d get convinced that they have to get themselves treated for their addiction as it is not doing them any good. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Residential Hospital in Michigan to Help Meth Users Without Health Insurance Quit?

Question by John M: Residential hospital in Michigan to help meth users without health insurance quit?
My daughter, who’s 18, has fallen in with some meth users. She told me she tried it once but I think she’s using it regularly. She barely sleeps or eats, and she seems to have lost interest in grooming, school, etc. I have no power to keep her away from that crowd. She has no health insurance because she dropped out of college. Does anybody know if Michigan has a state-supported residential hospital for young adults where she can get treatment and be away from meth users? I don’t know how to remove her from the environment she is in, and I think that’s her only hope.

This Is a Question for People Like Doctors I Guess I Could Say….?

Question by Christy: This is a question for people like doctors I guess I could say….?
How do you deal with blood? And sticking people with needles? I mean, I’m ok with a needle as long as it’s not coming towards me. I’m not the touchy kind of person and don’t feel comfortable around doctors. Does anybody else feel that way?

Best answer:

Answer by loser;;
meee! oh i hate doctors. blood=gross.

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