GF Problems Help?

Question by jerry h: GF problems help?
OK here it goes I was seeing this woman she had nothing but problems. At first she seemed to be nice very very attractive just got out of a divorce. She at the time had three little boys my heart went out to her and that whole situation. She was a nurse working third shift. Cars broke down stuff around the house went wrong and I would try to be a nice guy boyfriend and fix the stuff. She ended up loosing job after job being tested for drugs?? Yes I know Red flag she went through about four jobs?? I figured that she yes had problems. Then the DWI’s started Jail time she was wanting me to move in with her. When one day she tells me that she is going to an inpatient rehab program. I find out that she up and moved to Boston with another guy from high school. She writes me and tells me that she loves only me and that she is not sleeping with this guy. Is this total crap are my gut feelings right on?? This chick is she a SKANK??? What do you think??

Best answer:

Answer by readykitty96
Whoa you dont need that! Run away!

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Attention Defict – Boston Tree Lighting 2013