How to Get Drug User Caught?

Question by ZacD: How to get drug user caught?
Hello. So my ex girlfriend (who I still care for very much) is getting deeper and deeper into drug abuse and I think my last option is to get her caught with it so that she’ll get the help that she needs. My only question is how to get the police to actually convict her. She goes to college and lives there, so is it true that the campus police have the right to check her room whenever they can since she lives on school property? She is guaranteed to have marijuana in the room, maybe some cocaine and a strong chance of LSD. She needs to be caught so that she can get help. I’ve tried everything else. Thanks for your help and answers on how I can have the police actually do something about it. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Under Siege
Going to jail won’t get her the help she needs; jail tends to perpetuate the cycle of abuse. If you want her to get clean, tell her family and maybe help stage an intervention. Getting her into treatment and rehab is better- those services are not always offered when you’re convicted. Plus, it could send her into deeper depression- better to try inpatient first.

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