How Would You Go About Beginning the Following Essay Below and What Would You Include in It?

Question by conwayrockchick: How would you go about beginning the following essay below and what would you include in it?
This is the questions of my essay or essay title – At the End of Chapter 17 on Control, Crime and Deviance there is a box titled section 10: Engage with the Big Debate. In this section, there is a list of 10 possible social changes that may increase crime in Society. Select any 3 of these changes and evaluate their possible impact on influencing criminal behavior in Irish Society. Start with the assigned readings in the texts in this section on deviance (@302) and Crime (360s.

By the way this essay is a Soc and pol meaning (sociology with Politics) college level 8 essay.

The big debate section
– As labor markets become more casual and insecure and as more people enter the informal or underground economy, so people may start to survive. Crime, especially in the informal economy, may be one of these.

– As we witness the massive growth of the new information technologies, so we find new patterns of crime, from cybercrimes to mobile phone theft.

– As young people become a separate and often unsupervised age group, so their criminal activities and drug using propensities increase.

-As the electronic mass media such as film and television produce more and more images of crime and violence, so people find such lives more and more plausible.

Continue the debate
1 what problems do you find in measuring crime?
2 Is the evidence for the growth or decline in crime rates?
Are some crimes growing more than others? What kind of evidence do you need to support your arguments?
3 Discuss each of the above prepositions about social change and crime. Attempt to find evidence for them.

Lecture notes on Social change and Rising Crime Rates
– Social Disorganisatin
Structural Explanations for Increased Crime rates in Ireland
1. Demographic change and crime
2. Increased prosperity and crime
3. Increased prosperity and crime
4. Drug abuse and Crime
5.Policing and Crime
6. Social Deprivation and Crime

These are the material and instructions and questions for the essay.

I need help please.

My deadline is this Friday afternoon.

I have 78o words done so far.

I said what Deviance is

I gave two types of theorists

I spoke about white color crime and Marxist’s view on crime.

I listed two categories for analysation of crime in statistics in Ireland which is serious and not so serious and I compared their rates and said how they changed.

I mentioned two types of theorists in terms of what is the cause of deviance. The theorists are a part of labeling theory which I did not define.

I made the point that robbery is the most common crime in Ireland and so is the white color crime which is the most serious crime in Ireland

What else can I do?

At the introduction I explained from my lecture notes what Deviance is and the topics or issues that I am going to discuss.

The introduction has very little in it. I just said the words of the issues.

I am not sure exactly what is expected of me in the essay and which information is essential and which information is not that important.

I can’t remember what else I wrote.

The words for the essay has to be 2000 but I have only got 780 words so far and don’t know how to break it down.

I can’t remember how to reference either or even what words or sentences I have to use to introduce or explain a quote. Some words are Furthermore and However, maintains and states but I can’t remember other words. What other words or sentences could I use for the quotes???

Please help me.

wb as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Brad
Hi, well i’ve missed your deadline but i just wanted to say if you have anymore questions and you dont get a reply then visit and ask in their forums. The site is for students and they are very helpful over there! Good luck on the essay!

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