Prescription Pill Abuse?

Question by : Prescription Pill Abuse?
i just found out my nephew has been stealing pill and taking them to get high and speed,
im now hiding all the pills in my house, but im curious if any of these pills can even be abused, because if not i dont need to hide them, i tried looking it up but couldnt find anything.

does anyone know if any of these pills can be/ are used to get high or anything like that?

penicilln vk
belladonna alkaloids w/pb

these are the only prescription drugs i have at my house, are there any non prescription drugs that people abuse i should know of?

Best answer:

Answer by gracieg
Vyvanse is a amphetamine. That has definite potential for abuse.

Ranitidine is Zantac. Used for reflux and what not. I don’t see an issue there.

Penicillin is simply an antibiotic. No high there.

Belladonna alkaloids w/pb contains phenobarbital which is a barbiturate.

So if your nephew knows his pharmacology he could take your Vyvanse as a stimulant and then the Belladonna to bring him back down and let him sleep.

There are a million things that are OTC that can get you into trouble but Pseudoephedrine, which is also a stimulant is no longer OTC. I would lock up everything if it was me. People take too much Nyquil for the high. So it is hard to judge what he might do since a pill addict may try anything to get that high. You can’t think like an addict since you are not one and this is all new to you. I’d lock it all up and hide it. My personal opinion because if he has been doing this for long he can be high and functional. My ex was. He could function taking more pain pills than I could ever imagine until I figured it out. Good luck. Sorry you are going through this.

So yes but hopefully I gave you enough info to know.

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