bangor daily news

How Do I Be a Mother and Sister to My Brother?

Question by louis: How do I be a mother and sister to my brother?
My brother is 11 and we were very close before I had to take guardianship of him because of our moms alcohol/drug abuse. I’m finding it really hard because he gets upset at me now because I’m having to set rules and be the “parent”. He says that I’ve changed ansd he doesn’t listen to/respect me or my rules and I really don’t have that many.
How do I be a good “mother” to him yet still also be his sister as I don’t want to lose that

Is There a Job That Helps People Who Are Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?

Question by : Is there a job that helps people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol?
I have always wanted to go into law enforcement (federal and a detective) but I have been experiencing the affects of alcoholism and possibly some drug use in one of my parents. I go to alanon but my mom is in denial. I’ve been thinking of helping those addicted to drugs or alcohol to get better (off drugs and stop drinking). What jobs are there that would have me do this? And what type of degree would I need? I am currently a first semester freshman in college and my major is criminology and criminal justice with a concentration in community corrections

Anyone Else Have Problems Breathing Out of There Nose? I Think I Have Allergies, Any Suggestions on Relief?

Question by narce_con: Anyone else have problems breathing out of there nose? I think I have allergies, any suggestions on relief?
I moved from Boston, MA to Houston, TX 3 years ago, thought I’d be used to it by now.

Best answer:

Answer by mlgable
You need to go see your doc to find out what is wrong. This is not normal and is not something you should live with. See your doc, If he can’t find a problem he will refer you to an ENT doc and an allergist. This is not something you have to live with and not something you can treat yourself since you don;t know what is causing it. See your doc for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Are There Any Drug Rehabilitation Centers for Cocaine Abuse?

Question by emily: Are there any drug rehabilitation centers for cocaine abuse?
I’m just wondering if there are drug rehabilitations or programs that specializes in cocaine treatment because my cousin is addicted to cocaine. I’m really getting worried about him.

Best answer:

Answer by ?????Baby Animal?????
yes rehab is for ALL Drug addictions. Including cocaine..
you can call the national hot line for drug addictions and try and get him help..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



My Best Friend Is Addicted to Illegal Drugs. This Addiction Has Put a Strain on Our Relationship.?

Question by Roser555: My best friend is addicted to illegal drugs. This addiction has put a strain on our relationship.?
My best friend is addicted to illegal drugs. This addiction has put a strain on our relationship. My family and I are conflicted between wanting to help and concern.

How can I help fix this situation? I work in Presque Isle, Maine.

Any help would go a long way to help.

Best answer:

Answer by Gretch
It depends on the severity of the drugs they are using. Need more details.

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How Does Alcohol or Drug Abuse Affect the Individual and Their Family?

Question by tearsofaclown: How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the individual and their family?
How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the user and their family? How do they feel? What do they do? What can they do?

Best answer:

Answer by Julia III
The family feels scared, helpless and confused. The only help for the addict is to enter a residential treatment program. From my experience, out-patient doesn’t work, counseling alone doesn’t work and suboxone alone doesn’t work. Get the patient into a treatment center. At least there will be hope again.

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