child abuse

What Are Some Diseases Brought by Drug Abuse?

Question by lela1997: What are some diseases brought by drug abuse?
I’m doing an essay about why drug abuse is so bad, so how do drugs impact us, and what are some diseases brought by drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Barry
Hepatitis C is usually brought about by drug addiction, though not always. Drug rehabs in California might have more information about such things. I’d recommend seeking out pamphlets on whatever drugs you are researching. Most 12-step meetings have them for very cheap and they detail the negative effects of drug abuse.

Do some research. The consequences of drug abuse are endless.

Does Hypnotherapy n.l.p. Help With Substance Addiction?

Question by crispian2005: does hypnotherapy n.l.p. help with substance addiction?
i suffer from a deficit of will.

Best answer:

Answer by shaneris2
I doubt it, even if you are highly suggestible. Those addiction tendencies will resurface, possibly under another guise, such as gambling, or sex addiction. (1) Detox. (2) Rehab. See section 52, at ~~~ These calls are all FREE! Be sure to dial the “1” first.

Adolescent Crisis Intervention & Counseling Nineline

Abortion Information

Post-Abortion Project Rachel

Adoptions- Rosie Adoptions -(if you are pregnant)

AIDS Treatment Information Services
1-800-HIV-0440 (1-800-448-0440)

Can Texas Department of Human Services Make You Take a Drug Test?

Question by Angela H: Can Texas department of human services make you take a drug test?
If they are called to your house on allegations of child neglect, can they make you take a drug test or take your children? Isn’t that against your rights?
I’m studing law, and wanted to know. I believe children have rights too, yes I would worry about them. but what if the person is wrongly accused?
So does “allegations” with no proof if it is true or not, probable cause?

Best answer:

Answer by Charles

What Are Some Reasons That Some People Have Difficulty With Social Interaction? (Socially Awkward)?

Question by Kris= goin Veg. ’09: what are some reasons that some people have difficulty with social interaction? (socially awkward)?
what are some reasons that people are social awkward? 10pts best answer.

Best answer:

Answer by Mind M
Fear of rejection, humiliation and ridicule, of being caught off guard, not having the same interests or upbringing, feelings of intimidation.

Surely traumatic experiences that occurred in ones childhood would play a role in this too.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



How Long Does It Take for Meth Addiction to Wear Off?

Question by Galen: How long does it take for Meth addiction to wear off?
Someone I care about more than anything has had the worst life I have ever heard of. At one point someone put meth into something they were drinking and they became addicted. They still have withdrawal symptoms and it drives them crazy. How long until they stop entirely?
In answer to the first answer.
No. No medication.
I just want it to be off her as quickly as possible.

Best answer:

Where Can I Find the Creed for the Department of Health and Human Services?

Question by tommmytee: Where can I find the creed for the Department of Health and Human Services?
I want to know what that department claims is their reason for existance.

Best answer:

Answer by Easy B Me II
THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.

THE DEPARTMENT INCLUDES MORE THAN 300 PROGRAMS, covering a wide spectrum of activities. Some highlights include: