drug and alcohol treatment

Mental Heath Facilitate or a Rehab Program??

Question by irishfirefighter762: Mental heath facilitate or a rehab program??
My wife has abuse prescription pain killer and sleeping pills in the past. She says she is clean but her recant behaviors tell me differently. She is living at her mother now so I can’t confirm weather or not she is using them at night. She has been going to AA but things have not been getting better. The biggest problem we have is the lies she tells. She says she lies because of the fact that she doses not wont to disappoint me. Just the other day she went to lunch with a friend and told her that we are living together and that we have been trying to have a baby. I was able to find out from a mutual friend who knew what we had been going threw and was concerned. I feel like her realty and the rest of the world is to different things. She has agreed that she need more help with her life problems, she claims she has been clean from her pills for three months. I wont her to go to an in patient program. Would she be better off at a My wife has abuse prescription pain killer and sleeping pills in the past. She says she is clean but her recant behaviors tell me differently. She is living at her mother now so I can’t confirm weather or not she is using them at night. She has been going to AA but things have not been getting better. The biggest problem we have is the lies she tells. She says she lies because of the fact that she doses not wont to disappoint me. Just the other day she went to lunch with a friend and told her that we are living together and that we have been trying to have a baby. I was able to find out from a mutual friend who knew what we had been going threw and was concerned. I feel like her realty and the rest of the world is to different things. She has agreed that she need more help with her life problems, she claims she has been clean from her pills for three months. I wont her to go to an in patient program. Would she be better off at a mental heath facilitate or a rehab program??

Which One Is the Best, Inpatient or Outpatient Drug Rehab Models?

Question by : Which one is the best, inpatient or outpatient drug rehab models?

Best answer:

Answer by Herman
Both inpatient and outpatient drug rehab models have shown excellent results in the attainment of this goal, but most research so far has found that inpatient has the edge on outpatient treatment.

What do you think? Answer below!



Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Centers in Pennsylvania | Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers – http://rehabsinpa.org Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers provides detoxification, therapy, and more for alcohol, drug, and prescription drug dependency in resident…

What Are Your Experiences With Depot Lupron?

Question by ScTwin1: What are your experiences with depot lupron?
I have had horrible side effects from the Depot Lupron shot (3-months doasage), now I am not talking about depot provera, this is a stronger shot to treat endometriosis. It has helped with the pain and lessened the growths, but I have bad hot flashes, weight gain, dryness, the list goes on. Anyone have better experience with it? Can anyone suggest an alternative treatment?? BCPs don’t work, i tried them already.

Best answer:

Answer by A Healthier You
Stay FAR away from Lupron!!!!!

Last Minute Probation Question. 11 Months Down. 1 to Go. Pennsylvania.?

Question by jeremy: Last minute probation question. 11 months down. 1 to go. Pennsylvania.?
So I’ve been on probation for a little over 11 months, and I haven’t smoked at all, or drank at all for a year. I was arrested for a DUI in April of ’08, with a BAC of .10, and 50ng/ml of THC d9, and placed in the ARD program December 2nd of the same year. So far I’ve completed my community service, my CRN evaluation, my first PPI evaluation, paid all of my fines, completed Highway and Driving Safety School, gotten treatment at an outpatient center, and am almost done with my 12 months of probation. I report in every month on the 2nd, via call track, and haven’t actually seen my probation officer since my formal arraignment of December 2nd. I was late with a couple of payments over the past year, but I DID get it all paid.

Monitors Say Improvements Needed at Miss. Prison

Monitors say improvements needed at Miss. prison

Filed under: drug treatment centers in florida

(AP) — Violence is out of control, drugs are being smuggled in and guards are not adequately trained at the privately run Walnut Grove Correctional Facility, a prison with a history of troubles, according to court documents. … The state removed …
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Eastern medicine meets East Texas

Filed under: drug treatment centers in florida

What Questions Would You Like to Ask a Drug Addict?

Question by Michael Baylosis: What questions would you like to ask a drug addict?
What questions would you like to a drug addict? Thanks for the answers!

Best answer:

Answer by Nadja C
Any flowers on your grave. Anything you prefer, to make sure i got the right ones!

What do you think? Answer below!



Teen Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Rehab – Teen drug abuse and rehab serving the US. Teen alchohol abuse and detox is a niche business that Clearbrook treats. Please call us or visit our website www.c…