the child

My Future Wife’s Issue, Can You Help?

Question by Elegy Of Dirge: My future wife’s issue, can you help?
My future wife whom I love more than the world is very loyal and determined to our relationship. We plan to get married and of course have children, however though, she has epilepsy. We both really want children someday and I was wondering how I could best react to this.

What Are Peoples Views on Child Protection…do Social Services Do Enough to Prevent Child Abuse?

Question by : what are peoples views on child protection…do social services do enough to prevent child abuse?
I am doing an assignment for college and i am researching the child protection sector. I want to know what peoples views are on social service…do they do enough in order to prevent child abuse?My research will look at everyones opinions and i will include all points of view but in general could you please tell me what your thoughts are on this subject? I am aware it is a sensitive subject so please consider other web users feelings and opinions when answering.

Have You Heard of Organized Stalking or Cause Stalking?

Question by Terry Cloth: Have you heard of organized stalking or cause stalking?
It’s a recently documented phenomena, that is commonly used as a form of reprisal for whistleblowers or to terrorize people in minority groups, outspoken community members, ex spouses, etc.

It is exactly as frightening as it sounds. Groups of people stalking and harassing a single individual in a community, so pervasively that the targeted individual is driven to commit suicide, be institutionalized, and/or incarcerated.

Can you believe this is happening?
What could one person do to stop this?

Best answer:

My 19 Year Old Son Is a Heroine Addict While I’m Still Paying Child Support NJ?

Question by Kimoko: My 19 year old son is a heroine addict while I’m still paying child support NJ?
My 19 year old son is a heroine addict while I’m still paying child support . I don’t have custody of my child, but i pay child support for him to begin community college. Obviously, he can’t continue school under his conditions. So does anyone know if there is a way for me to legally stop paying child support in order to have money to help my child get into a good rehab center. The amount of child support i’m paying prohibits me from fully supporting my son. Is there anyway i can bring his heroine addiction to court for a reason to stop paying child support.I live in NJ.
Please refrain from complaining about the child support cutoff being at age eighteen in your state. It is simply not the same case in NJ.
I was never married to the mother of my son, so there were no divorce decree’s to look upon.
My son needs help which he can find at a rehabilitation center, and he’s wasting time ” going to college.” ( he’s only attended twice.)

Should Loving Parents Be Arrested for Refusing to Drug Their Children?

Question by Clatty Mary: Should loving Parents be arrested for refusing to drug their Children?
Maryanne Godboldo of Detroit, Michigan, recently learned the hard way that freedom of choice in medicine is no longer tolerated by the medical mafia in the supposed “land of the free.”

Recently, officers armed to the teeth from the Special Response Team of the Detroit Police Department, at the command of Child Protective Services, unlawfully kicked down the door of Godboldo’s home and kidnapped her 13-year-old child.

What was her crime?

Child Support in California Under the Table Jobs?

Question by *: child support in California under the table jobs?
In a California child support situation where the mother has custody and the father is to pay child support but works under the table….how does that work? He could claim he is older, sick/hurt, out of work because of the economy, and is not working. In this case I know he is and spends his money drinking, doing meth, and setting up drug deals for extra cash. Is the system so broke that he will get away with not taking care of his responsibilities?
Thanks for the advice…