war on drugs

Can a Drug Addict Drop a Drug Entirely for Another Drug?

Question by …….: can a drug addict drop a drug entirely for another drug?
like i have this idea for a story, and this junky dude is the protagonist. well this character shows up and offers him something else. it’s not a drug per say, but the protagonist treats it like one for most of the story. the only condition is that he has to work for this character and he has to stop using other drugs. (there’s a reason why, but i don’t want to reveal it here.) he can’t even drink. but he doesn’t have much of an issue transitioning.
is that believable? that he wouldn’t have any problem doing that? just quitting everything cold turkey and not really going through withdrawals because he’s on this other thing?
the “drug” gives him this euphoric sensation that’s unlike any other drug he’s ever done. but it’s different. that’s why he’s doing all of this.
i know it’s far fetched, but i like that stuff. it’s definitely one of my more conservative stories. it’s supposed to be far fetched.

Teenage Drug Abuse?

Question by JoJo_90: teenage drug abuse?
I’m having trouble finding info on teenage drug abuse in other countries such as Japan, China, Spain. If not, another country.
And also what they do to stop it.
(just not the US)
A website would be helpful

Best answer:

Practicing 'Extreme Medicine,' From Deep Sea to Outer Space

Practicing 'Extreme Medicine,' From Deep Sea To Outer Space

Filed under: drug rehabs in nh

All the kits that you would unpack, that stuff doesn't stay on the trays, you've got to find ways to pack that stuff, the drugs, the needles, the scalpels, and all of that so it doesn't end up floating around. So just the basics need addressing and …
Read more on New Hampshire Public Radio


Letter: Poor arguments on marijuana

Filed under: drug rehabs in nh

Should Prison Offer Reform or Just Punishment?

Question by D’jango’s Woman: Should prison offer reform or just punishment?
I enjoy watching the prison programs where these men and women become better individuals by training dogs, taking in feral cats, becoming chefs or getting some sort of trade…now others believe that this should not be part of the felons’ treatment and protest on economic reasons.
BQ: Do you feel taxpayers should not fund these programs?
BQ: Can prisoners be reformed..or once a criminal, always a criminal?

Best answer:

Answer by Mike K
Hello Dejango’s gal,

Will My Doctor Drug Test Me?

Question by Psycho: Will my doctor drug test me?
I’ve been suffering from anxiety and depression since I was 5 years old, off and on. I’m 18 now. They are both back now, worst than ever. I just recently started smoking weed for my chronic migraines, anxiety and depression. If I go to the doctor for it will be drug test me? If so, what kind?

Best answer:

Answer by Kidd
Yes.i have ADD and I have to take concerta.i get drug tested every 3 months.full blown drug test.ive only failed once and that was for alcohol.they test for EVERYTHING.but I’m not sure if thats only something they do in Illinois or if they do it everywhere

What Is a TAIP Test in Texas?

Question by aeriejayy: What is a TAIP test in texas?
my best friend has to take one in two days. hes on probation.
what happens? do they drug test him?
if so, and he fails, what happens?
or…is it only for alcohol?
what does TAIP stand for?

Best answer:

Answer by SmashBrawler
I only know that the acronym stands for Treatment Alternatives to Incarceration Program, I think it may be a alchohol/drug evaluation.

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