How Can I Become Drug Free?

Question by : How can i become Drug Free?
I am having a bad habit of the drug addiction and i want to quit but how..please help me out

and can you explain this step )- Understand drugs and situations that may arise

Best answer:

Answer by ???!Meghan!???
omg its so funny that you asked this question (not funny like stupid but funny like coincidence)
because im on if you mean explain like what it means then, it means learn what drugs do to you and what they really are. i know i really didnt help that much but i hope i helped a little.\
good luck.

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Varroa – Dr.David Heaf on Treatment-Free Beekeeping – L’Apiculture naturelle sans traitement – Dr David Heaf, UK Warre Beekeeper, Author of “The Bee-friendly Beekeeper”, and other publications and books, Natural Beekeeping Teacher and Speaker. Wales, G…