What Is the Name of the Medication That Doctors Give to Patients to Get Rid of Drug Addictions Immediately?

Question by chris m: What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately?
What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately? I think I read this somewhere, that there was a patient who was in a coma from cocaine use, and the doctors gave him a medication to get rid of his addictions. The author was asking why doctors don’t give it out to all drug addicts. I was wondering what the name of the drug was, because I could possible do a good college paper on this topic. Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by roy40372
i think you could do a good paper on this drug anywhere because it does not exhist. If it did there would be some instant millionairs from selling it and from doctors for prescribing it.

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